Walmart gay pride logo

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The company received a perfect score on the 2020 Corporate Equality Index, which is the Human Rights Campaign's tool for measuring corporate support for LGBT employees. The supermarket celebrates its 'commitment to LGBTQ+ inclusion and equality' on its website. Kroger declined to comment for this story, citing pending litigation. 'Defendant Employer did not discharge other employees in the workplace who did not request a religious accommodation but who simply declined to wear the new apron or who covered the heart logo,' the lawsuit says. GROCERY SPENDING UP 6% DURING CORONAVIRUS, DESPITE LESS TRIPS TO THE GROCERY STOREĪccording to the lawsuit, Rickerd was fired May 29, 2019, and Lawson was fired Jfor repeated violations of the dress code.ĭespite firing Rickerd and Lawson for their objections to the dress code on religious grounds, the lawsuit claims other employees were accommodated.

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Rickerd and Lawson claim that instead of granting their requests, they were disciplined multiple times. I am happy to buy another apron to ensure there is no financial hardship on Kroger.' 'I respect others who have a different opinion and am happy to work alongside others who desire to wear the symbol. 'I have a sincerely held religious belief that I cannot wear a symbol that promotes or endorses something that is in violation of my religious faith,' Rickerd told management in a signed hand-written letter May 1, 2019, according to the lawsuit.

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